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INSEAD - Executive Presence and Influence

Leading teams and organisations effectively in today’s climate of endless uncertainty is contingent on your ability to inspire confidence in other people – in those who work for and with you, in your senior leadership, and across your ecosystem of clients and business partners. In our current climate of ambiguity and unpredictability, it is more critical than ever that your team sees you as a leader to follow and to empower them; that your peers and customers have faith in your abilities and dependability; and that your executive leaders and board have confidence in your potential to lead change, unlock innovation and translate vision into reality. Inspiring this kind of confidence requires you not only articulate and communicate your ideas with clarity and composure; you also have to build trust – trust in your competencies as a leader and decision-maker, in your technical capabilities, and in your absolute commitment to follow through on what you say you will do. Executive Presence and Influence is an online programme that aims to demystify these qualities – redefining them as skills that can be learned and mastered rather than innate traits or characteristics.